What Do You Know That Isn’t So?

My heart pounded! I was about to test a life-long belief that, if correct, could cause my death—or close to it. A belief imparted to me as fact by people whom I trusted the most—my parents, all of my relatives on both sides, and literally every person I knew who claimed any knowledge on the subject. Poke salad greens are toxic. Poke Greens, Pokeweed, Poke salad, salat, or sallett, as it is commonly referred to, was the first wild plant I learned to recognize as a child growing up in East Read more [...]

Bah, Humbug! Christmas Decorations in August?

It was only a few weeks ago, mid-August, when I saw the beautifully-decorated faux Christmas trees in my local Sam’s Club. I was excited! I soon realized, however, that not everyone shared my feelings. My heart sank as I heard a male voice at the end of the aisle loudly parroting an old refrain: “These greedy merchants! They put out Christmas decorations earlier every year!” Really? Are the merchants greedy—or practical? I thought of my below comments on this subject in my eBook, Friendship—When Read more [...]